50 x 90 cm
Variation 1/5

The compression of the moment: the work of Susanne von Bülow.
(für deutsche Version hier klicken)

The wandering of the mind whilst glancing into an empty glass of milk.
The sensation in the feet when removing one’s shoes after a long walk.
The concentrated process of slowly slurping a noodle into the roof of one’s mouth.
The abandon of painting a toenail.

This (and exactly this) is the place where Susanne von Bülow finds moments of self-absorption:
trivial, private, and precious in equal measure.

Her figures are immersed in themselves –
The world, the surroundings, in short the formal background itself, is missing, is whiteness, or is merely hinted at.
Such representations of the compressed moment show figures unapproachable and distant in their self-reference. Susanne von Bülow has thus created her own topography of the everyday.

Her topoi are as profound as they are banal: Child sitting on Toilet, The Nail Painter, Child with Noodle, Woman with Cell Phone, Woman with Bouncy Horse, The Headstand.

Susanne von Bülow´s technique of applying colour to the printing plate leads to a carton etching with a highly sculptural figurative representation.
Form and colour permeate the paper, deep into the background structure, like frescoes on the whitewashed walls of churches.

However everyday these private moments may be, they capture the transient concentrated moment and lend it an aura of permanence.

Ruppe Koselleck